Services Agreement

Technical Support Services Agreement
Service Agreements. Technical support.
March 01, 2022
This Technical Support Services Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") constitutes a contract between Bolide Network LLC, San Diego CA, USA (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), and you (hereinafter referred to as the "User"), hereinafter jointly referred to as the “Parties”.

This Agreement contains definitions and conditions, according to which the Company provides the user with technical support services.

This Agreement is a public offer and is available at for review and acceptance of its conditions upon acquisition by the User of technical support services.


All terms given in this section of the Agreement shall have the following meaning for this Agreement only, and shall not be construed to suggest otherwise when used in respect of the conditions set forth in this Agreement.

Technical support – services for setting up the Program and advising on the functionality of the Program, a detailed description of the service can be found at:

Program means the CS-Cart or Multi-Vendor.

CS-Cart means the software registered at the U.S. Copyright Office of the Library of Congress (certificate #TX 6-852-685).

Multi-Vendor means the software registered at the U.S. Copyright Office of the Library of Congress (certificate #TX8903691).

Program-based Derivative means any software, work or information created by the User or a third party using the Program or any of its parts.

Use of the Program means any actions related to operation of the Program according to its purpose.

Upgrades of the Program means the changes in the Program distributed by the Company.

Domain Name means a unique alphanumeric name intended to identify a resource on the Internet.

Server means a computer to which the Program is installed.

Website means a resource available on the Internet through a common Domain Name.

Official Website of the Company means the Website of the Company available at

Help Desk System means the software installed on the Official Website of the Company and available at

Reseller means a legal entity or a private entrepreneur empowered to distribute the Trial License and/or the Full License and/or the Additional License.


According to the conditions of this Agreement, the Company provides the user with technical support services for the Program only after the User has paid the compensation which amount is defined on the Official Website of the Company.

This Agreement is considered concluded only after the User has fulfilled the following conditions:
  • the User has provided truthful, accurate and complete personal information about yourself;
  • the User has accepted the conditions of this Agreement;
  • the User has paid the compensation for the License and Technical Support Services.


The Company provides the User Technical Support Services only after the User has paid the compensation which amount is defined on the Official Website of the Company.

The compensation is paid by the User through the Company's Payment System or via a direct wire transfer to the bank account of the Company based on the invoice issued by the Company.


The Company has the right to:
  • use the information received from the User to improve the Program;
  • notify the User that the copy of the Program is illegal and is used without the license

The Company shall:
  • provide the User with Technical Support Services if the User has fulfilled all the conditions of this Agreement;

The User shall:
  • pay the compensation to the Company on time and in full;
  • notify the Company of any (full or partial) illegal Use of the Program by a third party without delay;
  • not transfer the rights received from the Company under this Agreement to a third party.


The Company guarantees that personal information and other personal data provided by the User for the purpose of executing Section 1 of the Agreement will be used by the Company solely for the purposes of executing this Agreement. Such information is not subjected to transfer to any third parties except for the cases as stipulated by the current legislation of the USA. By concluding this Agreement, the User grants the Company the right to process (including, but not limited to: gather, systematize, store, revise, update, change, use, transfer) their personal information and other personal data in any way not contradicting the current legislation of the USA (which includes not using any automation facilities) for the purpose of performing obligations of the Agreement imposed on the Parties.


Under no circumstances the Company guarantees error-free and uninterrupted performance of the Program and that the Program will meet the requirements of the User as well as the Company disclaims any other warranties to the extent to which it is permitted by the effective law.


The User assumes all the risks related to the performance and the Use of the Program, including the risk of not getting the expected profit from the Use of the Program, the risk of a software failure after the Program is installed, etc.

Under no circumstances the Company is liable to the User for any damages (including, but not limited to, any loss of profits and confidential or other information, the damages caused by an interruption of the business, loss of revenue, turnover, business reputation or data, neglected business opportunities, any indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages) related to the provision of technical support services or the inability to provide technical support services.

In the event that the law of the User's country concedes no limitation of liability, or the liability of the Company is recognized by the competent court, the Company will be liable only for actual damage incurred from Using this Program if the damage is caused by a tort of the Company, or if the damage is caused by the reasons that the Company knew or should have known. The maximum amount of liability of the Company is limited to the amount of the compensation that the User paid for the provision of technical support services.


The Agreement comes into effect on the date of fulfillment of all the conditions stipulated by Section 1 of this Agreement and is effective until terminated. The Agreement are terminated immediately after the User violates any part of this Agreement without any additional notice from the Company. The Agreement is terminated after the Company provides the full range of Technical Support services.

In all cases, upon termination of the Agreement, the User is not entitled to demand the return of remuneration paid to the Company.


Neither party shall be liable for any failure to perform any of its obligations hereunder due to causes beyond its reasonable control, such as fires, strikes (of employees of the Reseller or other employees), insurrections, riots, embargoes, natural and man-made disasters, delays in transportation, guidelines from civil or military authority.

Each party shall provide the other party with a prompt notice of force majeure. Such a notice shall contain detailed information about the applicable circumstances.

If a party's performance is delayed for a period of more than four (4) weeks due to force majeure, the other party may terminate this Agreement by sending a notification about termination of this Agreement to the other party's email. Neither party shall be liable to the other party if the Agreement is terminated due to force majeure.


The User acknowledges that the Company may suffer damage if the conditions of this Agreement are not respected, and therefore the User agrees that the Company has the right to use any form of protecting the violated rights and legitimate interests, including the direct appeal to the appropriate court without a necessity to comply with the claim settlement procedure.

You and Company agree that any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating in any way to the Agreement, shall be determined by binding arbitration in San Diego County, California, instead of in courts of general jurisdiction. Arbitration uses a neutral arbitrator instead of a judge or jury, allows for more limited discovery than in court, and is subject to very limited review by courts. Arbitrators can award the same damages and relief that a court can award. You agree that, by agreeing to these Agreement, the U.S. Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this provision, and that you and Company are each waiving the right to a trial by jury or to participate in a class action. This arbitration provision shall survive termination of this Agreement.

YOU AND COMPANY AGREE THAT EACH MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN YOUR OR ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING. Further, unless both you and Company agree otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person’s claims with your claims, and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding. If this specific provision is found to be unenforceable, then the entirety of this arbitration provision shall be null and void. The arbitrator may award declaratory or injunctive relief only in favor of the individual party seeking relief and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by that party’s individual claim.


These Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of California, USA without regard to conflict of laws provisions. If any provision or provisions of these terms shall be held to be invalid, illegal, unenforceable or in conflict with the law of any jurisdiction, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby, and shall remain in full force and effect.

If any condition of this Agreement for any reason becomes unenforceable, or is voided or declared invalid by the competent court, then it is regarded as an omission from the text of this Agreement, which, however, shall by no means affect the legitimacy and validity of the other conditions.

The section headings in the text of the Agreement are for convenience only and have no independent legal force, and shall not be interpreted in relation to the conditions of the Agreement.

The User acknowledges that he has read this Agreement carefully and understood it completely, and agrees to accept its terms and conditions.

The Parties acknowledge the legal validity of the documents sent by email. The documents sent by the Company are considered created in the proper written form if they are sent from [email protected] or [email protected]. Documents emanating from the User will be deemed completed in proper writing if they are sent from the email address provided by the Company User in accordance with Section 1 of this Agreement. Correspondence will be considered sent to the proper address if it is sent to the above email addresses.

© Bolide Network LLC