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Next Level of Neuroscience in Marketing: Using Neurology and Psychology to Make an Impact

Digital marketing today is about much more than just working with keywords and page optimization. It isn’t only Google bots that you need to impress in order to win more traffic, you also need to make an impact on visitors in order to have them return to your website and do business with you. The importance of eliciting a strong emotional response to your content and ads has increased exponentially, and marketing technology has evolved alongside it. To boost your business now, you need to underatke neuromarketing research as well as psychology of marketing and advertising.

The Rise of Neuroscience in Marketing: Applications and Benefits

The main advantage of digital marketing over traditional is that it is able to measure its own performance. You can use a variety of analytic tools to collect and process data like shares and likes on social media, number, and source of original visitors, ROI, etc. However, those measurements do not provide 100% accurate information.

The issue is that having a large number of visitors isn’t by itself enough. What you need is to know what kind of reaction your ads and content are invoking, and this is where neuroscience marketing and strategy come into play. It is a combination of marketing with cutting-edge neurological tech, allowing businesses to measure the emotional impact of their campaigns.

Today’s leaders in this field are Immersion Neuroscience and SparkNeuro. Both of these companies, as well as a few others, have developed technology that enables simple readings of the user’s subconscious reactions to visuals to be recorded. It doesn’t ‘read thoughts’ in such a way as to enable you to describe a precise reaction to the ad. However, it can measure emotional engagement as well as hormone levels. This means that neuromarketing research can tell you whether your visitors are paying attention to the ads and whether indeed that attention is positive or negative.

This is important for more reasons than merely the obvious. Evidence suggests that even surveys about something as innocuous as preferences in Superbowl ads can be extremely faulty as a marketing performance tool. In the real world, people are often dishonest for a whole variety of reasons. More importantly, they are prone to conforming to the opinions of the group (Simply Psychology). Therefore, any marketing performance analysis results that you get from them may be fundamentally incorrect for no other reason than your customers not being 100% truthful.

Basing your future campaigns on such faulty data is clearly likely to result in failure. However, with neuromarketing solutions at your service, you will be able to gauge the emotional impact of your advertisement.

How Brands Can Use Consumer Neuroscience and Neuromarketing Solutions to Their Benefit

  1. Enhance storytelling.
    The power of brand storytelling has been proven time and again, and with consumer neuroscience and neuromarketing technology you will be able to make better stories. This data will show you exactly which parts of the ad evoke emotions and what kind of emotions those are.
  2. Saving money.
    The ability to create more impactful advertisements also gives you a chance to reduce the number of ads that you create. There won’t be any wasting of money on launching ads which are more ‘miss’ than ‘hit’.
  3. Gathering relevant data.
    Don’t forget that neuromarketing marketing strategy can also be used for more generalized research. For example, gathering data from live conferences will allow you to see which stands perform better and what kinds of talks the audience prefers. At a later point, you can use this information to develop more effective ads and content.

Applying Psychology in Marketing: Create Content That Won’t Fail

While neuromarketing tech can help you to measure the emotional impact of your campaigns, applying psychology in marketing will enable you to improve them. In fact, an understanding the psychology of marketing is essential for developing any content as it allows you to create something with a guaranteed emotional impact.

Doing some research of consumer behavior psychology can also help you to make important decisions, such as whether you should risk launching a controversial ad. As a bold marketing move, this can have a tremendous impact on your brand, and it is a matter for your own understanding of psychology to determine whether this impact will be positive or negative.

If you want to use psychology of marketing and advertising in your campaign, you should follow these steps:

  1. Do your research to understand what drives people to exhibit reactions you want to achieve. For example, if your goal is to launch a piece of content that will go viral you will need first to understand what kind of material is likely to provoke the desired outcome. Also, study examples of successful viral campaigns to learn from them.
  2. Research your audience to understand whether they align with the results from the previous step.
  3. Brainstorm ideas that will trigger mass hype effect.
  4. Apply those ideas to your business and develop content capable of going viral.
  5. Launch your content via every platform you can reach.

Always remember that psychology is not a precise science. Marketing, on the other hand, must run on solid numbers. Therefore, quite often you will need to develop different types of content or ads and see how they perform on A/B tests. You should also use a platform compatible with multiple analytics tools to collect different types of data. And, if possible, you should strive to measure that performance using neuromarketing tech as explained above. CS-Cart Multi-Vendor allows for easy integration and can be a great launch platform for a progressive eCommerce business that wants to use more complex tools to monitor its performance.

The Future of Marketing: Understanding Human Nature and Behaviors

It wasn’t so long ago that digital marketing focused more upon SEO and making your website ping high on Google’s bots’ ranking radar. However as consumers today become more demanding in terms of personalization, the new era of marketing has arrived. To achieve success as a business now, you need to focus on understanding your target audience’s needs and desires, instead of producing content filled with keywords.

Applying psychology and neurological tech can help you to both make and measure the emotional impact of marketing. Thus these are the main elements of the new generation of marketing. It’s is the new level that you want to achieve as soon as possible because at this point in time it can give you a competitive edge.

About the author:

Agatha Singer runs her own blog and a robust online business. She has first-hand experience in using the power of marketing to get noticed online and shares her knowledge to help others flourish in their own fields.

Head of Content Marketing at CS-Cart | Website

Yan Anderson is the Head of Content Marketing at CS-Cart with over 10 years of experience in the eCommerce industry. He's passionate about explaining complicated things in simple terms. Yan has expertise in building, running and growing eCommerce marketplaces. He loves to educate people about best practices, new technologies, and trends in the global eCommerce industry.