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Infographic: Stories of Brick and Mortar Giants that Went Online


Josh Wardini, Community Manager at Webmastersjury

Big brand stores all seem to be offering their clients an online option these days. And, if you consider that the value of the ecommerce market is trillions of dollars annually, this should come as no surprise. All of America’s top 11 retailers have an ecommerce site for their clients.

How successful are these sites? That is something that you can check out for yourself by reading through the infographic that provided. It gives an interesting insight into how well these companies are doing both offline and online.

It could challenge some long-held assumptions that you may have. We are bombarded with messages about how simple it is to run an ecommerce store. The statistics below show that you can make money, but it won’t be overnight.

The stores listed have found the key to success—but do you know what that is? Check out any of their stores and you will find that it is an excellent web design. The payment system, in particular, works flawlessly.

And, in ecommerce, this is a critical ingredient that no company can afford to get wrong. That is why it is wise to start off with a professional system to help you set up your ecommerce store, a system like CS-Cart.

There is going to be a cost involved here and there are free alternatives out there that you could look at instead. But think about this logically—how many of the mega-corps do you think will use a free payment software?

We are not knocking the free products. They do an okay job but they don’t normally allow much customization and the options that you have access to are usually limited. Many companies start off using these freebies, only to find that they have to switch over later anyway.

And, that means getting their clients used to a whole new payments system again, something that is far from ideal.

But, back to the topic of what the ecommerce giants get right. They make it as easy as possible for their clients to purchase. They remove every barrier that they can think of so that the purchase decision is as simple as possible.

Shouldn’t you be doing the same by using CS-Cart?

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Head of Content Marketing at CS-Cart | Website

Yan Anderson is the Head of Content Marketing at CS-Cart with over 10 years of experience in the eCommerce industry. He's passionate about explaining complicated things in simple terms. Yan has expertise in building, running and growing eCommerce marketplaces. He loves to educate people about best practices, new technologies, and trends in the global eCommerce industry.