Refund Policy
This policy governs your purchase of the software and services through the website and its subdomains. Please read it carefully as it sets out your rights with respect to your purchases, including important limitations and exclusions. Your placement of an order constitutes your agreement that this policy applies to the order.
If you are not fully satisfied with your purchase of the software and services, you can get your money back upon the terms and conditions set forth below. However, we believe that most of refunds can be avoided if you get professional assistance from our qualified staff or peer assistance from other users at the CS-Cart Community Forum.
Refund Conditions
Software / Service
Refund Conditions
Multi-Vendor On-Premises
You have the unconditional right to claim and receive a full refund for the software within 30 days following the day of your purchase.

No refund will be available after this refund period is over.

The refund may apply only to the first year of a license bought through the website or any of its subdomains, except the ones obtained for illegal Multi-Vendor On-Premises installations.

If you own more than one license, no refund will be available.

Your money may be refunded only once. If you buy another Multi-Vendor On-Premises license at a later time, this will not be subject to a refund request.

Any purchase of the software at a discount price is non-refundable.
Multi-Vendor No-Code
Monthly subscription: Non-refundable.

Yearly subscription: You have the unconditional right to claim and receive a full refund for the software within 30 days following the day of your purchase. No refund will be available after this refund period is over

The refund may apply only to the first year of a license bought through the website or any of its subdomains, except the ones obtained for illegal Multi-Vendor No-Code installations

If you own more than one license, no refund will be available

Your money may be refunded only once. If you buy another Multi-Vendor No-Code license at a later time, this will not be subject to a refund request

Any purchase of the software at a discount price is non-refundable

CS-Cart Store Builder
You have the unconditional right to claim and receive a full refund for the software within 30 days following the day of your purchase.

No refund will be available after this refund period is over

The refund may apply only to the primary (first) license bought through the website or any of its subdomains, except the ones obtained for illegal CS-Cart Store Builder installations

If you own more than one license, no refund will be available

Your money may be refunded only once. If you buy another CS-Cart Store Builder license at a later time, this will not be subject to a refund request

Any purchase of the software at a discount price is non-refundable

Customer Care Subscription
Software upgrade subscription (only for licenses purchased before December 1st, 2022)
Mobile Application Subscription
Refund Procedure
All refund requests must be submitted to our Customer Help Desk system. Requests made via email, a contact form on this website, or by phone are not acceptable.

The decision about whether to grant a return request is made within one or two business days.

If the refund is granted, the user must remove all copies of CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor software or any of its derivatives and must not use the software unless another license is purchased.