Introducing CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor 4.4.3!
We are happy to present you the first release of the year—CS-Cart 4.4.3.
Besides bug fixes, this patch contains a new anti-bot protection—Google reCAPTCHA.
Recently, CS-Cart store owners started to receive spam messages. We found out that the default anti-spam system used in CS-Cart has been bypassed. To prevent further spam expanding, we’ve implemented Google reCAPTCHA. It improves anti-bot validation.
Here are some advantages of Google reCAPTCHA:
- It’s strong. Google reCAPTCHA is hard to bypass for spam bots though it’s very easy to pass for people.
- It’s user-friendly. Just tick the box and you passed.
- Solving reCAPTCHA helps others. Passing through CAPTCHAS preserves books, improves maps, and solves hard AI problems.
Switch to Google reCAPTCHA:
1. Go to Add-ons → Manage add-ons.
2. Find and click Google reCAPTCHA in the list of add-ons.
3. A pop-up window will open. Enter Site key and Secret token, then save your changes. The instructions on how to get the key and token are available here.
Other Improvements
- The correct fonts are displayed in email notifications. Open Sans is the default font for email notifications in CS-Cart. If this font was not installed in your system, a browser randomly chose one of the available fonts to use in notifications. Now, instead of using the random font the next default font that comes after Open Sans will be used. For example, if you don’t have Open Sans installed in your system, the Helvetica font will be used instead.
- Fixed order notifications for 2Checkout payments in Multi-Vendor. Previously, neither administrator nor customer received order notifications when products in one order were bought from several vendors. Order notifications are now sent correctly when buying from several vendors.
- Store upgrade via console. The upgrade process through the console doesn’t differ much from the one via the admin panel. But it is much easier for developers to apply the upgrades. Note that this type of the upgrade process will be available starting from CS-Cart / Multi-Vendor 4.4.3 and higher.
Check out other changes and fixes in the changelog.
How to Get Version 4.4.3?
Get the new version in the usual way:
- If your upgrade subscription is still active, check the available upgrade on the Administration → Upgrade center page in your admin panel. During this first week of the release, we’ll be distributing upgrade packages in batches, so as not to overload our servers. After the first week, we’ll open the upgrade distribution fully. So if you don’t see the available upgrade in your Upgrade center now, check for it later. If your upgrade subscription has expired, extend it for another one year.
- If you’re just joining the CS-Cart army, download the installation package, install it on your server, and buy the license.
You’re welcome to ask any questions about CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor 4.4.3 on our forum.
Report any bugs to our bug tracker and we’ll deal with them.
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Yan Anderson is the Head of Content Marketing at CS-Cart with over 10 years of experience in the eCommerce industry. He's passionate about explaining complicated things in simple terms. Yan has expertise in building, running and growing eCommerce marketplaces. He loves to educate people about best practices, new technologies, and trends in the global eCommerce industry.