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How to Use YouTube Live to Develop Your Business


Silvia is a professional writer at EssayOnTime and novice entrepreneur from Phoenix. She mostly writes and works in a field op popular psychology and marketing. In her free time she loves to travel around the globe. Follow Silvia on her Twitter!

Is your business present enough on social media? You probably worked on its Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram presence. Maybe you even got into Google+. But what about YouTube? To be more precise: what about YouTube Live?

If you already have several videos uploaded on YouTube, that’s a great start. The best thing about this platform is that you can repurpose the content. You can share it on all social media platforms, and you can make it part of email newsletters and your website.

But YouTube Live takes things to a new level. Currently, YouTube Live has almost 9 million subscribers. Think about it: 9 million people from all around the world want to watch live streaming. Your broadcast will be recommended to the audience you’re trying to target.

How can you use this service to build brand awareness, boost sales, and simply develop your business?

That’s the real question. We’ll answer it through a few important tips:

1. Think of Useful Live Events to Broadcast

From the name of your business, you can share knowledge and skill, no matter what industry you belong to. If you sell healthy food, you can broadcast a cooking session with a chef who’s popular on Instagram. If you own a pool business, you can share important tips on how people can plan to set a pool in their backyard. If you’re in any other industry, you can always broadcast live interviews with influencers.

But be careful: you have to broadcast something that’s not usually available online. If you’re sharing the same tips that most bloggers from the niche have already shared, no one is going to watch. Think of the really useful insights you can provide.

2. Showcase Product and Service Demos

Are you about to launch a new product or service? Then you have the perfect occasion for a YouTube Live session.

This strategy works since it builds the enthusiasm levels among your audience. You’ll announce the launch of something really exciting, and you’ll get everyone at your YouTube channel at the right time.

3. Hold Q&A Sessions

Part of your branding campaign is to present everyone from your team as an expert. No matter what kind of business you have, you can invite your target customers to get more involved. They see you and your team members as people who can answer their questions.

Check out chef Gennaro Contaldo broadcast a live Q&A session:

The chef normally films recipes, and that’s what his audience knows him for. But they also ask a lot of questions in the comment section, so he saw an opportunity for a live event.

If you decide to broadcast a Q&A session, make sure to promote it really well. You want plenty of people watching, so you’ll get enough questions.

4. Promote!

Speaking of promotion, you must inform your audience that a YouTube Live session is about to happen. In fact, you want to inform them way before the event so they will put it in their schedule if they are interested.

Check how yoga teacher David Garrigues promotes his live-streamed class for Christmas Eve:

The information is available on his website and all social media profiles.

5. Charge for the Broadcast

Now we’re talking real business. If you have really valuable content to share, people will be willing to pay for it. You can feature the information at your website like David Garrigues does. In his example, he gives an option for the participants to donate as much as they want.

6. YouTube Live Holds Lots of Potential

You have an opportunity to attract your audience and really connect with them. Such communication means tons for building brand awareness. YouTube Live streaming gives you a chance to establish yourself and the team as experts in the industry. Use it well!

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Head of Content Marketing at CS-Cart | Website

Yan Anderson is the Head of Content Marketing at CS-Cart with over 10 years of experience in the eCommerce industry. He's passionate about explaining complicated things in simple terms. Yan has expertise in building, running and growing eCommerce marketplaces. He loves to educate people about best practices, new technologies, and trends in the global eCommerce industry.