CS-Cart releases

CS-Cart 2.1.1 Released

It’s been almost four weeks since we introduced new CS-Cart branch 2.1. During that time, we’ve been listening to the feedback that you provided through the Community Forums and our public bug tracker, and discovering areas that were overlooked in CS-Cart 2.1.0.

Finally, we’ve gathered the most important fixes and feature improvements into this 2.1.1 release, which is now available for download in the File Area section of your personal Help Desk accounts.

In addition to the fixes and improvements, CS-Cart 2.1.1 offers two useful changes in the store functionality:

  • Advanced users can now speed their stores up by choosing a cache back-end that would work best for their particular web server environment and store-specific attributes: server file system, MySQL database, SQLite database or server shared memory. The respective parameter $config[‘cache_backend’] is defined in the configuration file config.local.php.
  • Those of you who accept payments through Winbank can connect CS-Cart to this payment gateway through a new interface, which has been recently revised.

You’re welcome to review the complete list of fixes and improvements in CS-Cart 2.1.1 in the release changelog.

Happy ecommerce to you!