News and announcements

CS-Cart SaaS Is on the Horizon


Today, we have some great news. We’re excited to announce a whole new branch in our CS-Cart product lineup.

The new branch is: CS-Cart SaaS—the cloud-hosted version of the CS-Cart software.

CS-Cart SaaS

What is CS-Cart SaaS?

CS-Cart SaaS is a cloud-based version of CS-Cart to be offered on a monthly subscription basis.

When you host your store in the cloud with our CS-Cart SaaS, you’ll never have to worry about software installation, maintenance, or upgrades—we’ll keep all the tricky business behind the scenes.

It’s the perfect choice for quick starters and for those who don’t like diving deeply into server configuration.

CS-Cart SaaS Sounds Great! How Much Does It Cost?

We’re very proud of our attractive pricing for our SaaS offer.

For example, our starter package (Silver) gives you unlimited traffic and a 500-product catalog—all for just $16/month! That’s a great bargain for a small-scale online business.

Here’s our full CS-Cart SaaS pricing:

CS-Cart SaaS Pricing

All CS-Cart features are available with any of these plans.

When is the Release?

CS-Cart SaaS is already serving our customer personal demo stores. You can try it now, absolutely free. Your personal demo will be 100% identical to what we will ship to our SaaS customers, so it’s the best way for you to see CS-Cart SaaS in action.

We plan to introduce CS-Cart SaaS to the general public by the end of this year. In the meantime, we’re going to complete further tests to ensure that our product is fully stable and reliable, and that it fully meets our customers’ expectations.

We’ll be making a special announcement when the CS-Cart SaaS service is available for purchase.

What Will Happen to the Regular, Downloadable CS-Cart?

Simply put, nothing. You’ll still be able to purchase the standalone version of CS-Cart and we’ll continue to develop and update it. We have no plans whatsoever to discontinue it.

After years of CS-Cart’s success as a stand-alone shopping cart solution, we are extremely excited to explore the new land of hosted e-commerce.

We’d love to know what you think about CS-Cart SaaS. Feel free to share your suggestions and thoughts here in the comments section.

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