CS-Cart releases

CS-Cart 2.2.4 is Released


SearchaniseToday we bring before you CS-Cart 2.2.4. As a minor release it contains a number of bugfixes and improvements, but not only them! Now all CS-Cart editions are integrated with the beta version of Searchanise – a SaaS project we developed to make the in-store search faster and more informative. More details about it will be announced later whis week. UPD: The service will be announced after the 21st of November.

TwigmoThe Twigmo add-on has been updated too. Now it allows you to enable a mobile front-end in your CS-Cart! Visit the Twigmo official Facebook page for more details.

Also, we added PayLeap to the list of the supported payment systems.

As usual, the full changelog can be found on our website.


You can download the latest CS-Cart release on the File area page in your personal Help Desk account.

The upgrade package will be available for downloading in your CS-Cart admin panel soon. Please pay attention that we limit the download number from our server within the first 48 hours.

You are welcome to submit your suggestions and ideas to the forum and report bugs to our bug tracker.