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CS-Cart 2.1.0 Release Candidate 1

In an effort to increase the stability of the final product, today we make publicly available the first release candidate for the next CS-Cart version 2.1.0. You’re welcome to either download CS-Cart 2.1.0 RC1 from our Help Desk.

The release candidate is intended for community feedback and individuals who want to participate in QA process as well as reviewers who can get a first look at the upcoming CS-Cart 2.1.0 and its improvements. It is not recommended for production purposes, however.

CS-Cart 2.1.0 will contain a lot more features, bug fixes and changes than previous versions. New features that require feedback include:

CS-Cart 2.1.0 RC1 should provide a solid ground to report last-minutes bugs that need to be tackled before the final version is released. Please post them to our public bug tracker.

And if you have any suggestions about new CS-Cart features, please use our idea tracking system. Or simply discuss CS-Cart 2.1.0 RC1 with other community members at CS-Cart Forums.

Final CS-Cart 2.1.0 is scheduled to be released in early August 2010.

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